In the News

The Bears den of Flanders Pack 156 toured the Mount Olive Animal Hospital in April 2021 as part of the Critter Care Adventure as featured in the Mount Olive Chronicle.

Flanders Pack 156 hands out candy canes at town's tree lighting. Pack members are seen in the Mount Olive Chronicle.

Flanders Pack 156 makes a donation to the Toys for Tots program at the Operation Toy Train stop in Flanders Firehouse in 2021. Pack members are seen in the Channel 12 News.

In December 2021, Pack 156 donated toys in the Operation Toy Train that is part of Toys for Tots as featured in Mount Olive Life.

Pack 156 assists The Kiwanis Club of Mount Olive assemble 100 care packages to be donated to the Salvation Army of Dover prior to Thanksgiving as featured in Mount Olive Chronicle.

Pack 156 performs a clean up at Tinc School in 2021 as featured in Mount Olive Chronicle.

Wolves Den visits the Mount Olive Police Department in 2020 as featured in the Mount Olive Chronicle.

Webelos Den does clean up at Tinc School as part of their Build a Better World adventure as featured in the Mount Olive Chronicle.